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Zero waste level


Even within the zero-waste movement, the proportion of people who actually live a zero-waste lifestyle is not very representative. Therefore, we consider that a zero-waste lifestyle corresponds to a division by 4 of all other waste quantities (household waste, household solid waste and landfill). Only putrescible waste is excluded from these reductions, as it does not involve packaging. See ADEME's Bien vivre en zéro déchet analysis.

How is this figure calculated?

  • Formule:
    • Somme:
      • Omr . putrescibles . non compostable + omr . putrescibles . compostés
      • Omr . papier carton / 4
      • Omr . plastiques / 4
      • Omr . verre / 4
      • Omr . metaux / 4
      • Omr . autre / 4
      • Collecte separee / 4
      • Dechetterie / 4

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