
Our Climate Gestures is a digital public service, which is why we are transparent about the resources allocated and how they are used used.


We follow the beta.gouv manifesto manifesto, the principles of which can be found here:

The needs of users take precedence over the needs of the administration The team's management style is based on trust The team adopts an iterative and continuous improvement approach

How it works

Nos Gestes Climat is a state-owned start-up: the team is therefore led by an intrapreneur who is responsible for the digital service developed within his administration (ADEME in this case).

He or she has a number of roles: deployment, product management, reporting to the administration (budget, progress reports).

The budget shown here does not include the intrapreneur, as he is an ADEME employee, but concerns the team members.

Budget consumed

Année :

En 2024, Nos Gestes Climat est un service pérennisé, porté par l'Accélérateur de la transition écologique au sein de l'ADEME. L’amélioration continue et le déploiement du simulateur existant se poursuivent. A fin octobre d'année, 9 personnes travaillent pour Nos Gestes Climat (tout ou partie de leur temps). Le budget présenté est partiel (janvier - octobre).

Total TTC829,348

Description of cost categories

  • Development, deployment, product, design 👨‍💻

    Development, product, deployment and design costs account for the vast majority of our budget. We are a small team of 9 freelancers, with a multidisciplinary approach to technical, strategic and business aspects technical, strategic and business aspects.

  • Software and hosting 💻

    Our open-source model gives us free access to most of the tools we use (code hosting, test servers, etc.) tools we use (code hosting, test servers, etc.). The site is hosted on Vercel.

About VAT


Unlike private-sector companies, public authorities are not entitled to recover VAT incurred on purchases made in the course of their business activity. &gt The amount including VAT includes VAT at the rate of 20%. &gt vAT is collected and paid to the government, reducing the budget available for > the project budget available for the project.